Private Markets Advanced

Course available in Englisch & German 
Private Market investments have become an integral part of most professional portfolios. This course builds on the Private Market Fundamentals course and dives into the details of Private Equity investing addressing topics such as commitment based investing, the J-curve, PE return measurement and PE valuation.
Take your derivative knowledge to the next level

Study Time

2.5 hours

Interactive Lectures

4 e-lectures


English & German

Test & Certificates

1 Certificates

e-learning content

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Your trainers

Vincent & Walter

say thank you for the trust, collaboration, and friendship over all these years. 
About Vincent & Walter
After many years at a large Swiss bank, they jointly started their own company NoscoPartners in 2013. The focus was on developing and delivering financial market training for bankers and financial professionals. Since then the business evolved around the central theme "Financial Market Expertise". Today NoscoPartners has three fields of business: education and e-learning, pension fund consulting and pension modelling. More info: