Courses in collaboration with SIX-Education


Derivative courses with coaching

Coaching with Walter & Vincent. Having a coach on the side will greatly improve your experience. This includes a personal kick-off call, regular in person review sessions, test preparation and ongoing email accessibility for questions. 


Derivative e-learning topics

These e-learning topics are smaller carveouts of our coached derivative classes. They are suited to review a specific topic, or to quickly collect continuous education credits. For a more in-depth exploration of derivatives, we recommend our coached classes. 


"The Derivative Master Class provides a comprehensive insight into the strategies and mechanisms of options trading. Walter Brägger is an absolute expert and professional. He is very skilled at simplifying valuable information from the trading floors."

Phil Marsanik, Avecco

CEO Avecco
"...thank you for the courses you taught on Portfolio Management. They were extremely informative and practical. I think I learnt more in those two days than I did in an entire semester of Portfolio Theory at University!"

Alex L, UBS London

UBS London
"Dear Walter, dear Vincent, I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent training course on portfolio theory, analysis and risk management. It was exceptionally helpful and I felt both the content of the materials together with your expertise and guidance were of high quality."

James V, Managing Director

UBS Zürich

Experience the power of e-learning

This 2 minutes video demonstrates the power and interactivity of
e-learning courses, as we build them at NoscoPartners.
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Derivative course with interactive review sessions and coach access

Derivatives Fundamentals

Get to full speed from 0 to 100 in 2 months with this interactive class. The Derivative Fundamentals Class is our recommendation if you are serious about starting in derivatives. We will lead you through the learning and be accessible to remove any hurdle. After that you will be able to talk to any option trader and continue your journey on your own. 

Derivatives Master Class

This is a challenging 3-5 Month providing insights from the trading floor. You must already have a general understanding of derivatives (Derivative Fundamentals Class). We first review the basic topics, but then increase the pace to reach a master level. This is a challenging class but we as your coaches will be here to help you through the journey. 

Coaching with Walter & Vincent

Having a coach on the side will greatly improve your experience. We are here to guide you through the program. this includes a personal kick-off call, regular in person review sessions, test preparation and ongoing email accessibility for questions. 

If you need additional coaching services please be in touch.

Courses in collaboration with SIX-Education